Scatter by Jason Fried (rewritten)

Friends, scatter is the silent productivity killer we must avoid.

Scatter separates tools and data into departmental silos. Scatter introduces multiple apps for singular tasks. Scatter encourages asking around instead of acting now. Scatter pulls people away from progress to put out fires.

Scatter breeds duplication of efforts. Scatter hinders transparency and access. Scatter defends fiefdoms instead of collaboration. Scatter attempts multitasking but achieves little.

Scatter waits for progress instead of driving it. Scatter keeps you busy without real advancement. Scatter ignores unifying principles and lacks belief.

Scatter accumulates backlogged ideas without execution. Scatter carelessly overpromises outcomes. Scatter loses time through misalignment. Scatter prohibits focus. Scatter burns resources in opposition. Scatter is an invisible tax on our efficiency.

Scatter has its place, but steady scatter stifles success.

By identifying and reducing business scatter, we can boost productivity, transparency, and progress.

Let’s work together to streamline efforts, enable access, reward action, and deliver on our promises.

Focus, alignment, and simplicity will drive our continued success.

original source: Scatter. – by Jason Fried rewritten with Claude by Anthropic

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